Sunday, May 13, 2007

Wonderful Weekend

We had a great time when Steve, Heidi and Isaac came to see us May18-21. It was so fun to see Isaac at "Spiderman 3". We loved Waterton and were so happy that Grandma Ollie came with us. We even saw a momma bear and twin cubus! It was such a good time. Here are pics to prove it.


Angel said...

Ya'll are SO adorable! My e-mail address is in the e-card I sent to you for Mother's Day. Enjoy!


TnT said...

Angela, The e card didn't get to me! Maybe it got in the junk mail folder. So sorry! Try again please. Thanks.

Angel said...

Just in case you don't get it, my e-mail is My new address is PO Box 1887, Skyland, NC 28776 and Steve has got my phone number if you want it! Take care!

Love ya,