Saturday, August 23, 2014

The French make Chinese food way better than the Chinese do!

We had FHE with these people on Monday.  They wanted to fix us a big dinner.  It was fabulous! Paul is still working on his Moroni creation.  If you look carefully, you can see the tiny gold plates and the hole that they will go in and the rock that will cover the hole in the Hill Cumorah.  He is even had painting some leaves!

While we were waiting for dinner to be cooked, we played Don't Eat Pete, with the kids.  They loved it!  I asked Carol if she had been reading the Book of Mormon.  She said, only a little.  She was only on page 300!  We had given it to her 6 days before and she went away for the weekend! She is reading about Alma the younger now and she says she had a similar experience. When she was 25 years old, she did not believe in God or see a need for Him.  Then she had a "vision".  She didn't say what it was, but she knew that God was there and now she needs "spiritual" in her life.  She says there are many things in the book that she has experienced in her life.  It was amazing!  Now she is up to 500 pages!  (There are more pages in a French Book of Mormon than an English one.)

I know that the Book of Mormon can relate to our lives today, even though it was written hundreds of years ago!  Just like Carol, we can read it and see how the stories apply to us.  I hope that each of us will read out of the Book of Mormon every day.  We should always ask ourselves, "how does this relate to my life?"  Will you do that?

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