Sunday, September 14, 2014

Recipe for Success

The other day at District Meeting we were taught what the recipe for success is.  It is found in Alma 26:22:  "Yea, he that repenteth and exerciseth faith, and bringeth forth good works, and prayeth continually without ceasing-unto such is given to know the mysteries of God; yea, unto such it shall be given to reveal things which never have been revealed; yea and it shall be given unto such to bring thousands of souls to repentance, even as it has been given unto us to bring these our brethren to repentance."

How does this apply to you and me?

1. We must repent.  (Just change something bad for something good.)
2. We must have faith.
3. We must do good works.
4. We must pray continually.

And what do we get in return?  We get to know the mysteries of God!  And have things revealed to us!  And convert people to the gospel!

This recipe is good for other parts of our life, too.  We will always be blessed when we do those four things.

And since we are talking about recipes, I want to show you this picture of a "salad" that a couple from our Branch made and fed our whole zone.  All 12 of us!  We had this beautiful salad and fish and chicken and rice and three kinds of ice cream and chocolate cake!  Imagine how awful this food would have been if she hadn't followed a recipe!  We are given recipe's, or commandments, to make our life easier and more enjoyable.  We pray that you will always choose to keep the commandments and have a happy life!

 Our beautiful salad

 The Laquembie's.  They have a beautiful home and are beautiful people.

We Love YOU!

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